Counselor's Corner

Seniors!!! This is it! C/O 2021!!!!!

Your final year of high school! In addition to coursework, co-curricular activities and/or work you have important decisions to make. It's your time to put to use all that you've learned these last years both in and outside of the classroom to help you plan for the road ahead. All seniors will meet individually with their counselor throughout the next few months. We hope that all of you took the time this summer to not only think about your future plans, but are ready to fully discuss them and move onto the next step.

For four-year college bound students, we will:

  • Review letters of recommendation and transcript request procedures
  • Stress the information you are responsible for submitting to your college; application, SAT/ACT scores
  • Answer questions you may have on the college application process.
  • Remind you to keep on track of application deadlines.

If you plan to start at a community college next fall, use this time to think about and plan for what comes afterwards. If you plan to apply to a technical/trade school, want to enlist in the military or plan to work after school, please be prepared to discuss all of these possibilities.

Be sure to keep your eyes open for upcoming guidance events. We hope you have a fantastic school year!

Juniors: Begin seriously thinking about your interests, and where you see yourself after high school. Think about what you enjoy doing and then research possible major/careers that are related to these interests. Review all the colleges you came in contact with at the College Fair on campus in October. Get involved and make the most out of your time in high school. The classes and activities you are involved in all build your resume for the future. You will be thankful in the long run!

Sophomores: Like Juniors, take time to think about your likes, dislikes, interests and how all of it relates to potential careers. If you have not already joined a club or gone out for a sport, think about doing so this year. The classes you take and the activities you are involved in all build your resume for the future.

And finally, welcome Freshmen! We hope you are settling into your classes! Please know that is you have questions, you have resources to help support you. We want your first year of high school to be a positive one. Like the sophomores, be sure to check out the various clubs and activities that are available to you!


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